6 transfers down and 6 more to go! I can't believe I am almost at my half way point! What in the world.
To be honest this week was a bit of a blur. It always seems to be like that the week of transfers. So much to do, and my head was in about 101 places at the same time. Hopefully I can try and remember some of the things that happened this week!
We had a ton of birthdays this week. First with Claudia! I can't remember if I have talked about Claudia before but she is a recent convert, but is having some extreme difficulties with the book of Mormon right now because of some antimormon literature her sister showed her (So keep her in your prayers because I know she will return!), but we visit her and her family every week and she is probably one of my favorite people here in Mafra. She is adorable!!! She had a birthday on Monday, so we were able to go over to her house Monday night and have a little party with her, gave her a necklace, and it was a super good time.
We also had our last district meeting this week. #tear. Oh my goodness, I loved my district this transfer! We had too much fun together, and Sister Ventura and I even made up a song the night before on our ukes that we played in our district meeting. It was solid! It was Elder Nogueira's birthday the day of our district meeting, so of course we had to buy a cake and celebrate!
With this new transfer we switched districts, so I am pretty bummed that I am not going to be seeing Sister Bryner every week etc.
Our family from Brazil is doing well! They are sooo cool, and so elect, but the only problem is that we basically can only visit them once a week because they live quite aways from Mafra, and right now our focus has been teaching them English, so teaching them is going to be slow....but SO WORTH IT! This last visit the dad talked about how he had a dream about the second coming of Christ, so we were able to talk about that for a while and I shared some scriptures from the Book of Mormon. It all went really well.
Well, I already talked about it a little bit, but this week was transfers! I was 99% sure I would be staying in Mafra....and I was right! haha I also knew that Sister Ventura would also be leaving me....and I was right! BUMMER! I loved serving with Sister Ventura and I learned so much with her, but I am also excited to now be serving with Sister Tilton! She is from Maryland and I already like her. I have had a lot of luck with my companions! It has been super strange the past few transfers because basically every companion that Sister Doman has had, I get after her. Sister Tilton and Sister Doman were companions last transfer, so I know it is going to be a good transfer. The weirdest thing is that Sister Tilton was serving in Torres last transfer and we are now in the district of Torres.......and long story short, we ended up sleeping in Torres last night with Sister Doman and her new companion, so it was all super strange. I also forgot to get our phone from Sister Ventura before we said goodbye and so yesterday we were without a phone and I have never felt so alone in my life! hahaha It doesn't help that we don't have any members in Mafra that could help us, and needless to say, I definitely gained an appreciation for payphones.
We still don't have our phone, so we will see what happens today.....Always an adventure with the Sisters of Mafra!!!
Have a good week fam. Love you SO much! P.S. Happy late Canadian Thanksgiving! Participam bem. Paz e Bênçãos.
-Sister Selk
President Enivaldo and his wife
This is Claudia´s son David! He is probably my favorite person in the world! I cannot not smile when I am around him. My favorite thing is his prayers! "Todo gente precisam de ti pai."
Irmã Maura! I absolutely love this woman! and she makes the best beans and rice
Had some adventures with rain and snails this week. No more explanation needed
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